Andrea Jerabek

I am passionate about the ocean, conservation, and working to restore our natural habitats. I recently joined Mass Audubon’s Ecologist Restoration team, where I will being focusing on the Making Space Initiative to restore retired low-lying coastal cranberry farms in the region, creating space for future marsh migration.

Prior to joining Mass Audubon, I worked as a coastal ecologist at The Water Institute of the Gulf. My research covered a variety of topics, from studying the effects of coastal land loss on juvenile nekton habitat use to evaluating ecological climate change model outputs paired with restoration scenarios for recreationally important inland waterways. Outside of research, I gained experience working with a diverse set of stakeholders by facilitating workshops and meetings to develop a state-wide restoration cycle and spearheaded an outreach and education urban cypress wetland restoration project.

Most recently, I managed Northeastern University’s Three Seas and diving safety programs. Three Seas is an experiential learning, study abroad marine biology master’s program focused on applied research, conservation, and sustainability. Students live and learn in three unique ecosystems (Nahant, Massachusetts; Bocas del Toro, Panama; Friday Harbor, Washington) to become experts in ecological field studies and laboratory experiments.

Let's learn and collaborate together!

Mass Audubon
Restoration Ecologist