Anna Phillips.
“Cranberry farmers are now turning their bogs into wetlands,” The Washington Post,
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Johannes Radinger, Sven Matern, Thomas Klefoth, et al.
“Ecosystem-based management outperforms species-focused stocking for enhancing fish populations,” Science,
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Lyn Watts, Christine Hatch, and Ryan Wicks.
“Mapping groundwater discharge seeps by thermal UAS imaging on a wetland restoration site,” Frontiers in Earth Science,
February 2023.
Thilina D. Suransinghe, Regina Christen, Ally Dewey, et al.
“Variable plastron coloration of the eastern painted turtles Chrysemys picta picta in a single locality of south-eastern Massachusetts, USA,” The Herpetological Bulletin,
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Christine Hatch, and Erika Ito.
“Recovering groundwater for wetlands from an anthropogenic aquifer,” Frontiers in Earth Science,
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Christine Hatch.
“Earth Matters: Falling for cedars,” Daily Hampshire Gazette,
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Caroline Jaffe.
An Environmental and Economic Systems Analysis of Land Use Decisions in the Massachusetts Cranberry Industry,
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Spencer Russell.
Resynthesizing volumetric soundscapes : low-rank subspace methods for soundfield estimation and reconstruction ,
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
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May 2022.
R.A. Christen, A.K. Dewey, A.N. Gouthro, et al.
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Kate Ballantine, Glorianna Davenport, Linda Deegan, et al.
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Brian Mayton.
Sensor Networks for Experience and Ecology,
Ph.D. Thesis,
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Clement Duhart, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, et al.
“Decoding the soundscape using deep learning models: a system to support long-term acoustic monitoring of wildlife occupancy with citizen science input,” Proceedings of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society (AFS & TWS),
September 2019.
Clement Duhart, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, et al.
“Deep Learning Locally Trained Wildlife Sensing in Real Acoustic Wetland Environment,” Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems. SIRS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science,
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Clement Duhart, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, et al.
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Donald Derek Haddad, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, et al.
“Resynthesizing Reality: Driving Vivid Virtual Environments from Sensor Networks,” ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talks, SIGGRAPH 2017,
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Brian Mayton, Gershon Dublon, Spencer Russell, et al.
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