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Governmental Partners
Cape Cod Conservation District
Clark University
Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Partnership
Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game — Division of Ecological Restoration
Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game — In-Lieu Fee Program
Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services — L.A.N.D. Grant Program
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Massachusetts Environmental Trust
Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Town of Falmouth, MA
Town of Kingston, MA
Town of Plymouth - Department of Marine and Environmental Affairs
Town of Plymouth, MA
Town of Wareham, MA
US Department of Agriculture — Agricultural Reserch Service
US Department of Agriculture — Natural Resources Conservation Service
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Geological Survey
Conservation Partners
American Rivers
Association to Preserve Cape Cod
Barnstable Clean Water Coalition
Buzzards Bay Coalition
Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association
CP Fund Falmouth
Ducks Unlimited
Falmouth Rod & Gun Club
FishAmerica Foundation
Harwich Conservation Trust
Interfluve, Inc.
Manomet Bird Observatory
Mass Audubon
Nantucket Conservation Foundation
Native Land Conservancy
North and South Rivers Watershed Association
Plymouth South High School
Public Lab
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Slow Immediate
Stimson Studios
SWCA Environmental Consultants
The 300 Committee Land Trust
The Coonamessett River Trust
The Nature Conservancy
Tidmarsh Farms
Tighe and Bond
Upstream Tech
Wareham Land Trust
Wildlands Trust, Inc.
Woodwell Climate Research Center
University Partners
Amherst College
Boston College
Bridgewater State University
Clarkson University
De Vinci Innovation Center
Emerson College
Le Mans Université
MIT Media Lab
MIT Sea Grant
Mount Holyoke College
Northeastern University
Oregon State University - Center for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs
Smith College
Tufts University
University of Connecticut
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
University of Massachusetts - Boston
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts - UMassAir
University of North Carolina
Implementation Partners
Beals and Thomas, Inc
Charter Construction
Luciano’s Excavating
SumCo Eco-Contracting, Inc.