Clement Duhart

In 2012, I received two M.Sc. degrees from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI (nowadays Sorbonne University) in Artificial Intelligence and Decisions and a second one from ECE Paris Engineering School in Embedded Systems.

In 2016, I got a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in Le Havre University applied on Organic Ambient Intelligence. During this work, I develop a theorical and practical framework for the deployment of distributed artificial neural networks on energy constraint wireless actuator and sensor networks. This Environement Monitoring and Management Agents (EMMA) framework offers a new choregraphy paradigm for a fully distributed Internet of Things without Cloud.

In 2017, I did my postdoc in the Responsive Environment Group at the Medialab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I joined the team of the Tidmarsh project which develop technologies in order to study the ecological, bio-dynamic and climate evolutions of industrial scale cramberries farm restoration. My contribution is the developpment of a deeplearning based acoustic analyzer for detecting, identifying and geo-localizing in real-time the widlife activity on site from 25 microphones and 6 cameras.

In 2019, I found and lead the De Vinci Innovation Center in Paris, La Defense which is the expertise center of the Pole Leonard de Vinci. Based on a Fab Lab, its Master and PhD programs offer a unique opportunity of exploring new academic methods based on radical learning, anti-disciplinarity and collective learning. Its leitmotiv "Demo or Die", coming from the MIT MediaLab, is supported by a permanent mix of sciences, technics and humanity in order to address the big challenges of our societies. My student are exploring various technologies from Computer Human Interaction, Collective Robotics, Deep Learning, Immersive Technologies and Soft and Active Matters..


Clement Duhart, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, et al. Deep Learning Locally Trained Wildlife Sensing in Real Acoustic Wetland Environment,” Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems. SIRS 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Singapore, January 2019. DOI:
Clement Duhart, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, et al. Deep learning for wildlife conservation and restoration efforts,” International Conference on Machine Learning, Long Beach, CA, August 2018.
De Vinci Innovation Center