Julianne (Julie) Busa

Julie is a Professional Wetland Scientist and Certified Senior Ecologist who leads Fuss & O'Neill's Ecological Restoration Technical Practice Team out of Springfield, MA and is a co-lead of the firm’s Massachusetts Climate Resilience practice under the state MVP program. She has over 15 years of experience in the areas of ecological restoration, resilience planning, sustainability, soil science, and ecological modelling. She has served as a technical lead and project manager on a variety of projects including: cranberry bog restoration from design through implementation, dam removal and river restoration; culvert and stream improvements to improve aquatic passage; and nature-based slope stabilization and green infrastructure design. Prior to joining Fuss & O'Neill, she served as President of the Society for Conservation Biology's Working Group for Ecological Economics and Sustainability Science and taught on the environmental studies faculties of multiple colleges. Julie serves as co-lead of the Massachusetts Ecosystem Climate Adaptation Network (MassECAN) Slow the Flow Working Group and is the Chair of the Easthampton Conservation Commission. She is a self-proclaimed Beaver Believer.