Fear to Hope Atlantic White Cedar Research at Plymouth South H.S.

AWC Seedlings Planted at Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary 06/13/24

By Kimberly Snyder on August 29, 2024
This June, the results of PSHS students' hard work were planted in Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary in Plymouth. These cultivated AWC seedlings were planted deep in the marsh, where they can grow and flourish into incredible wildlife habitat over the next few decades.

AP Biology students' Field trip to Eel River 3/13/24

By Kimberly Snyder on August 29, 2024
In March 2024, my AP Biology students visited Eel River Preserve in Plymouth, MA with Living Observatory's Glorianna Davenport to explore a young AWC stand and see conservation work in action.

AP Biology students' Field trip to the Atlantic White Cedar Swamp October 2023

By Kimberly Snyder on August 29, 2024
In October 2023, my AP Biology students took a Field trip to the Atlantic White Cedar (AWC) Swamp in Eastham, MA. It was magical for all to experience an old growth/mature AWC swamp.