Monitoring Biological Responses to restoration: temporal and spatial shifts in the community structure of amphibians and reptiles in restored and retired cranberry bogs.

Herpetofaunal surveys for 2023 underway

Dr. Surasinghe's lab at Bridgewater State University have started fieldwork for 2023. This year, we will be covering Tidmarsh, Cranberry Watershed Preserve, and Eel River.

Here, we compare three different conservation lands at different stages of restoration. Cranberry Watershed Preserve has been long retired from active cranberry production, Eel River has been restored for over 10 years, and Tidmarsh has been restored for about 5 years. we are plan to study the amphibian and reptile community structure at these three wetland complexes for 2023 and onwards.

By Thilina D. Suransinghe
May 22, 2023