Monitoring Biological Responses to restoration: temporal and spatial shifts in the community structure of amphibians and reptiles in restored and retired cranberry bogs.

Quick look into the survey after 1 week at each research site

By Joe Pervier on June 7, 2023
One of the best parts of doing ecological work is the wildlife. While we have spent 1 week at each of our research sites and collected a lot of useful data. We have also collected a lot of amazing photos! So while the data is being sorted through and a post is being made about that, I felt the need to share some of the stunning wildlife that can be found in wetland ecosystems.

Herpetofaunal surveys for 2023 underway

By Thilina D. Suransinghe on May 22, 2023
Dr. Surasinghe's lab at Bridgewater State University have started fieldwork for 2023. This year, we will be covering Tidmarsh, Cranberry Watershed Preserve, and Eel River.

Coverboard based survey for woodland herps

By Thilina D. Suransinghe on October 11, 2022 (updated November 23, 2022)
Surveying for Woodland salamanders at Tidmarsh Mass Audubon Sanctuary. Bridgewater State biology undergrad research students (Surasinghe Lab), from left to right: Summer Saad, Mat Potvin, Kevin Cross.

Conference presentations at Wildlife Society meeting

By Thilina D. Suransinghe on November 21, 2022
Dr. Surasinghe's undergraduate research students: Kayla Keith, Matt Potvin, and Summer Saad Presented their 2022 summer research findings at the Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Spokane WA.