Upper Coonamessett River Wetlands Complex Restoration Project

January 2025 - Construction gets underway

Excavators clear brush and lay mats. Group shot (l to r) Betsy Gladfelter,Steve Fuller (SumcoEco), Manny de Costa (Interfluve), Annie Spangenberger (Interfluve), Dylan MaCarthy (Falmouth DPW), Jarrod Martellucci (SumcoEco), Sara Grady (Mass Audubon).

On January 14, SumCo excavators were at work on the site. Later that week, Mark  Mark Kasprzyk, Falmouth Conservation"s land manager captured a group photo of some members of the team - left to right, Betsy Gladfelter (Project guru), Steve Fuller (SumcoEco), Manny de Costa (Interfluve), Annie Spangenberger (Interfluve), Dylan MaCarthy (Falmouth DPW), Jarrod Martellucci (SumcoEco), Sara Grady (Mass Audubon).

By Glorianna Davenport
February 1, 2025