Mattapoisett Bogs Wetland Restoration

Buzzards Bay Coalition is restoring more than 43 acres of retired cranberry bogs in Mattapoisett back to self-sustaining wetlands at our Mattapoisett Bogs property. The project includes restoring floodplain connectivity with the Mattapoisett River, improved in-stream connectivity along Tripps Mill Brook, expanded/enhanced habitat for rare species, and new trail amenities to improve the visitor experience. A series of 5 pedestrian bridges and boardwalks will guide visitors through the restored habitats. The property lies at the heart of the Mattapoisett River Reserve, which now includes 8 miles of interconnected trails. Construction to restore the wetlands began in October 2023 and will be completed in September 2024. Partners on this project include Buzzards Bay Coalition, MA Division of Ecological Restoration (MA DER), and the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS).

Buzzards Bay Coalition acquired the property from Decas Cranberry Company after the company entered an agreement with the USDA-NRCS to place a permanent conservation and restoration easement on the cranberry bog land. The ecological restoration project was designed in conjunction with GZA Engineering and partners at the MA DER and USDA-NRCS. Construction was by Luciano’s Excavation, Inc. of Taunton, MA.
Funding for the restoration project has been made possible by the USDA-NRCS, MA DER, MA Department of Conservation & Recreation’s Recreational Trails Program, and the Massachusetts Environmental Trust.

Restored landscape 3 months after construction. credit: Sara Quintal

Drone flyover of Mattapoisett Bogs in 2022 credit: Lyn Watts

Restored landscape credit: Christine Hatch



Anna Phillips. Cranberry farmers are now turning their bogs into wetlands,” The Washington Post, November 2024.


Sara Quintal