Soil Moisture in the Wetland

Spring semester class trip

In April, in the middle of the spring semester, Christine Hatch brought her upper level ecohydrology class and independent study students into the field to learn how Atlantic white cedar (AWC) forests develop. The class had several questions guiding the trip: How are Atlantic white cedars impacted by water levels, soil moisture, and the presence of other plants? From an established atlantic white cedar forest and through a meadow of leatherleaf, the class completed a transect with a variety of measurements including:
Soil Moisture:

Water quality and microtopgraphy:

Vegetation in plots along the transect (with some help from Glorianna to identify plants):

The class also visited Eel River to see a restoration project with more mature Atlantic white cedar trees and took a trip to the Umass Cranberry Station compare the restorations to an active cranberry farm.

By Lyn Watts
June 7, 2023