Soil Moisture in the Wetland
This project explores the hydrology of the land surface that has been intensively farmed, and the implications of this hydrology on future plant and animal communities. Historical application of sand, ditching, berming, and channel deepening all affect how surface and groundwater move through these areas. Thoroughly understanding the hydrologic function is the first step toward returning this land surface to tis former wetland condition. Piezometer measurements of water level in the bog and stream channels as well as stream flow and rainfall monitoring all contribute to this understanding.
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Spring semester class trip
Lyn Watts
on June 7, 2023
In April, in the middle of the spring semester, Christine Hatch brought her upper level ecohydrology class and independent study students into the field to learn how Atlantic white cedar (AWC) forests develop. The class had several questions guiding the trip: How are Atlantic white cedars impacted by water levels, soil moisture, and the presence of other plants? From an established atlantic white cedar forest and through a meadow of leatherleaf, the class completed a transect with a variety of measurements including: